For the site has a dutch home page, i will explain how to become a member ( Abonnee) in 4 simpel steps:
Register yourself with email etc. Then log in Step 2( inloggen) again and then you see: Je hebt nog geen abonnement. push the button " Abonneren"
Then step 3
and choose payment by creditcard or paypal..
First register yourself, on the home page right on top you chose " registreren" . You can fill in all your personal things, like adres, hometown(woonplaats) etc and your emailadres. you make a password (paswoord) and you can enter the instructionfilms and look free at " Algemene info" films.
Fill in your email and password ( wachtwoord) and push the red button
" Inloggen"
by pushing the green button " Abonneren"
you see the page:
Als je beschikt over een promotiecode (speciale actie) kun je deze hieronder invullen. Klik dan op "Promotiecode inwisselen". Daarna kun je onderaan de pagina een betalingskeuze maken. this meens: If you have a promotion code (special promotion), you can enter it below. Then click on "Redeem promotional code". Then you can make a payment choice at the bottom of the page.
Please fill in your discount code.
and choose payment by creditcard or paypal.. Immadiately after paying you can access !
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